SINCE 2010



How to buy

Shipping from Japan to some other countries might be suspended or subject to restrictions due to certain international events.

Please check latest From JapanPost about countries and territories to which acceptance of mail is temporarily suspended as of November 18, 2022

Link to Japan Post shipping information

To buy our tools you need to send a list of the items through the Contact form. We will provide availability, final prices and times for processing your order. After the offer is accepted we can send the Invoice. This method was adopted in order to optimize the production of our tools. Thank you for your understanding. We are accepting mainly PayPal payments. Please understand that there could be shipping restrictions applied to certain areas due to lock down regulations. Please refer to Japan Post public index as main guide line: Japan Post News. There might be further local rules depending on the final destination. The price list is available in the bottom of the Contact form so there isn't need to surf around the site while writing the order.



Please feel free to contact also for information. We don't always answer during the weekend (saturday-sunday) and certain national holidays. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

About Rectify Master

RECTIFY Master focuses on research and development of innovative and quality luthier tools. Setting new standards since 2010. With over 30 year experience. Beware of imitation.

TOKYO, Japan

Copyright © 2010 - 2024 RECTIFY Master. All Rights Reserved.